Our students secured 7th in the Indian Oil Science Quiz among 102 schools. Congratulations and best wishes for future success!
TIGPS Krishnanagar congratulates Nainish Saha of Class VIII for securing top positions in two groups at Bangiya Sangskritik Utsav!
Our students secured second place in the TIG Olympia, adding another achievement to TIGPS Krishnanagar's impressive record.
TIGPS Krishnanagar students excelled in the Philately Quiz, winning honors from India's Postal Department.
Around 3,500 students competed in the state-level SIP Abacus event, with TIGPS, Krishnanagar students earning top positions. Congrats and best wishes!
TIGPS Krishnanagar secured 3rd position at the SNU Physics Expo 2024.
TIGPS Krishnanagar earned 3rd position at the Canvas Carnival.
The Srijan Saraswati Samman 2024 at T.I.G.P.S. Krishnanagar celebrates outstanding contributions and achievements.
Aaditri Ghosh, Diya Biswas, and Adhiksit Paul won medals at the East Zone Karate Championship, National Karate Federation at Durgapur on 24th and 25th August 2024.
Congratulations to our students for winning the 1st India-Nepal Roller Skating Competition! We are proud of your achievement!
Founded in 2019-20, Techno India Group Public School, Krishnanagar, is a prestigious co-educational English medium institution located in the heart of Krishnanagar, in the Nadia district of West Bengal.